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    Here's what people are saying about Bonnie's books and videos:

    “I am so happy to see that Bonnie – one of the true innovators of bodywork – has finally shared her system in an organised fashion. Here is the underlying body language – the reflexes that build into patterns that build into individual expression – and what happens when these pathways to maturity get diverted, detoured, or stopped.

    Bonnie marries cellular requirements with developmental movement to adult biomechanical issues. This is not an easy path to take on – it’s requires subtle perception and inventiveness – but Bonnie has just made it easier by cataloging the language and stages of, well, exactly: Basic Neurocellular Patterns.

    I am devouring this book. Its insights will inform and enlighten any bodyworker with both the simple wonder of animals in motion and the complex intricacy with which it plays out in human form"

    – Tom Myers
    Director, Anatomy Trains


    "Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen simplifies an extraordinarily complex subject while at the same time drawing us into the deeper significance of the human developmental patterns and what they tell us about ourselves and our connection to all of life.

    Basic Neurocellular Patterns is exquisitely illustrated and rich with inquiries that can be utilised by teachers of dance, yoga, somatics and those interested in the intersection of the mind and body. I feel that I have been gifted with jewels of distilled wisdom that will enrich my own practice and teaching for years to come.

    I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in understanding how human development movement can inform the work of yoga teachers and somatic practitioners."

    – Donna Fahri Donna Farhi
    Author of Yoga, Mind Body & Spirit.


    "Every generation has a few gifted pioneers that forge the path towards a more enlightened and conscious understanding of our self and our universe. Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen is definitely one of the main pioneers of our generation.

    In her book, Basic Neurocellular Patterns: Exploring Developmental Movement, she not only reveals her great knowledge of developmental movement but shares the connection of movement and consciousness itself.

    I highly recommend this book to all who are on the path of self-discovery."

    – Donnalea Van Vleet Goelz,
    Ph.D. Executive Director of Continuum Movement®



    " Bonnie does for movement and the Basic Neurocellular Patterns what Stephen Hawking did for space. The depth of her passion and understanding combined with her ability to communicate will allow many more people to come into their full movement potential and a deeper sense of identity."

    – Roxlyn Moret
    Teacher and Practitioner of Body-Mind Centering®, CMA, RSME, ERYT-500


    "With surpassing kindness and gentleness she guides you on a journey into yourself. Those who travel within with her emerge with a changed relationship to life, to themselves, and to others.

    As an innovator in the sphere of body/mind integration, she is without peer and beyond comparison."

    – Jonathan Klate,
    Ph.D., Lic.Ac, in practice since 1975, is a second generation practitioner of traditional acupuncture and Chinese medicine, author to The Tao of Acupuncture, who maintains his practice in Amherst, MA


    "Bonnie’s offering of Basic Neurocellular Patterns is a beautifully crafted refection of her exquisite way of knowing the human body developing. Her dedication, her generosity are apparent as her profoundly accomplished work moves us from the specific to the whole, including the mysterious relationship between our body forms and other species.

    Janet Adler
    PhD., author of Arching Backward and Offering from the Conscious Body  



    "Bonnie's videos are a great tool to convey the work of Body-Mind Centering® to those who seek understanding of what embodiment means and how each of us can apply it in our own work and life.

    I teach Body-Mind Centering® within a 3-year training program for movement educators. My students relate easily to the teaching situation in the videos because it gives them an idea about how Bonnie presents the material and how the mind in her teaching leads to the embodiment of the material. It lets them understand the depth and application of Body-Mind Centering® better.

    Even though my students have heard about Bonnie and Body-Mind Centering®, experiencing the direct transmission of her teaching through the videos really brings the work alive and touches them deeply."

    Jeanette Engler, Switzerland
    Body-Mind Centering® Teacher and Practitioner, Infant Developmental Movement Educator (IDME), Craniosacral Therapist, Osteopath C.O., Practitioner Somatic Experiencing®


    "What a blessing these videos are! Bonnie's deep and ongoing research and practice is in evidence on the videos. There is such clarity to the material, assuredness in the presentation, and deep, practical application to one's practice."

    Elaine Wintman, Massachusetts, USA
    Body-Mind Centering® Teacher and Practitioner, graduate of the Body-Mind Centering® Embodied Anatomy and Yoga Program


    "What I love most about Bonnie's Embodied Anatomy videos is an intimate deepening in my personal study of being human, exploring my learning process and remembering my Body-Mind Centering® family.

    The video angle of the videos is different than my class experience was, offering new insights into the material. With her videos, I can go back to watch and listen as many times as I want.

    I have several copies of Bonnie's book Sensing, Feeling, and Action and I have used them as workbooks. The index in the 3rd edition is a delight! Descriptions of Body-Mind Centering® history, anatomy, and developmental movement come alive for investigation. This book is a resource rich in detail for continuing and sharing the life process of embodiment explorations."

    Moonshadow, Arizona, USA
    Graduate of the Body-Mind Centering® Somatic Movement Educator, Embodied Anatomy and Yoga, and Embodied Developmental Movement and Yoga Programs, Licensed Massage Therapist