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    This series is has been completed. The recordings are available as a package with Embodying Our Muscles Part 2.

    There is so much more to muscles than resistive exercises and stretching! Muscles have their own inner world and interrelationships that, when explored, open up another way of knowing and experiencing movement.

    In this Series, we will gently engage our muscles from a feltsense of their inherent integrity, intelligence, and coordination.

    Bonnie’s perspective through all her work is that the embodiment of local tissues plays a foundational role in the emergence and expression of movement and consciousness. This series will continue with this perspective as applied to muscles.

    Movement and consciousness will be explored from the direct experience and action of our muscles themselves, not just from the brain telling the muscles what to do.

    Movement initiated in this way is automatic, spontaneous, and specific. It underlies vitality, strength, flexibility, flow, and ease, and informs and engages a whole-body response through the fascial matrix.

    Embodied movement at this level gives us a path to directly connect with the ‘mind’ of our muscles and provides a dynamic foundation for brain-oriented, consciously-directed movement.



    This Series is for you if you would like to:

    • Learn to dialogue with your muscles and establish a personal relationship with them
    • Gain more vitality, strength, flexibility, flow, and ease through your muscles
    • Improve comfort in your muscles
    • Relieve excessive tension, tightness, strain, weakness, and/or exhaustion in your muscles
    • Embody and understand from inner experience how muscles engage in both stillness and action
    • Move more naturally with greater ease and skill
    • Expand awareness through the inherent consciousness of muscles

    This Series will help you:

    • engage an underlying foundation of active postural tone
    • calibrate peripherally the force needed to move against a given resistance
    • transmit a local force throughout the body via the fascial matrix
    • coordinate the muscle line of force with the spatial integrity of the bones, joints, ligaments, and fascia
    • maintain a stable, balanced posture

    As we journey through the world of muscles, we will discover how:

    • muscles on both sides of a joint need to be active in balanced postural tone and movement
    • primaries (agonists) partner with complements (antagonists) in the execution of integrated movement
    • shortening (concentric) contractions and lengthening (eccentric) contractions vary in the presence of gravity and spatial intent
    • isometric contractions relate to postural tone and stillness
    • sense organs (proprioceptors) in muscles and tendons can self-calibrate and play a role in the initiation of movement and establishment of postural tone
    • muscle complexes can be sequenced through a process of muscle currenting
    • small muscles passing over one joint coordinate with larger muscles passing over more than one joint ease and full range of motion
    • sense of position (proprioception) relates to our sense of movement (kinesthesia) as dynamic proprioception

    Bonnie will share insights and principles drawn from her 50 years of pioneering work in an embodied approach to anatomy, developmental movement, embryological development, and psychophysical integration. In each class, cellular consciousness guides our explorations.

    There are no prerequisites for taking these classes. Participants should have some experience with movement practices, somatic approaches, and/or psychophysical disciplines. No previous experience with Body-Mind Centering® is necessary. Join Bonnie with a sense of curiosity and inquiry about movement, the body, and consciousness.

    Classes will be recorded and made available through online streaming. All class recordings will be available to participants indefinitely. They can be accessed at any time, as many times as you would like, even after the 2022 Winter Series is over.

    We would like everyone to be able to attend Bonnie's 2022 Winter Series, regardless of financial situation. Payment plans and Pay From The Heart scholarships are available.

    January 27, 2022
    February 3, 2022
    February 10, 2022
    February 17, 2022
    February 24, 2022
    March 3, 2022
    March 10, 2022
    March 17, 2022

    11:00 am - 12:30 pm (PST)


